Hearing analysis
Detailed analysis of central hearing functions
Acquisition with central audiometer and BASS 1.0 / 2.0

Well-founded hearing training is characterized by the fact that central hearing functions and thus the state of listening comprehension are first assessed.
Every day we encounter people with hearing comprehension problems - they may (still) hear well, but they do not sufficiently understand what is being said. This applies to the seven-year-old boy with school problems, the teenager who is always tired at school despite a good night's sleep, and the adult plus40-year-old who is increasingly disturbed by everyday noise. A consideration of the central hearing functions is also essential for better hearing comprehension when using Generation Plus60 hearing systems.
With our solutions for hearing analysis, you can quickly and accurately test basic central hearing functions that are specifically related to speech. The automated evaluation provides you and the affected person with reliable information on the current performance status of central hearing and the support options based on this.
You have various options for this analysis: BASS 1.0 and BASS 2.0 are our rapid test analysis programs for your computer, as well as the AUDIO4LAB Central Audiometer module, the hardware solution that offers you training programs for your clients in addition to the comprehensive hearing analysis.
BASS 2.0 - Brain Audiometer Screening Software
Reliably detect and evaluate central auditory functions
BASS 2.0 ist eine extrem leicht zu bedienende und elegante Softwareplattform zur Erfassung von Schlüsselfunktionen der zentralen Hörfunktionen und einer Einstufung der Performanz des Getesteten. Jeder Teiltest dauert 2-3 Minuten. Das System liefert leicht verständliche Videoerklärungen zu jedem Testschritt. Direkt im Anschluss erfolgt eine automatisierte Auswertung, die mit dem Getesteten live durchgesprochen werden kann.
After testing, the system can be used to generate a comprehensive report. The test steps are explained in terms of their significance for speech and listening comprehension and are classified for the tested person. The measured listening age is ejected - and the further away the recorded value is from the ideal value, the greater the resulting training potential. BASS professionally and convincingly conveys the importance of central hearing functions and also enables you to record and document the training progress and age development of your clients.

BASS 2.0
7 Central hearing functions systematically recorded and evaluated in a software solution.

Main screen BASS
Intuitive user guidance with catchy explanations for testers and clients.

Explainer videos
For each BASS function, a catchy and client-oriented video conveys the task at hand.
BrainCentral - Brain Audiometer Module
Eight central auditory and perceptual functions with norm data / age reference values
- Individual setting options
Standard test and training programs, additional training programs that can be changed and saved according to the requirements of the individual client.
Computer-aided evaluation, documentation and reporting "at the push of a button"
- Effectiveness of the procedure systematically proven by several studies
Measurement of speech understanding in noise (WTT sound discrimination test)
- Response by clients conveniently via the control unit.
No simultaneous pressing of 2 answer keys for "medium stimulus" - thus: Reduction of incorrect answers through intuitive answering