
Ein gutes Gehör bietet die beste Voraussetzung für ein aktives Leben.

Good hearing is the basis for an active life.

Whether during sports, leisure time or at work: only those who can hear clearly can tap their full productivity, creativity and performance potential. Behind the training method of Hörfitness is an effective, science-based concept that sets new standards for healthy hearing. With targeted exercises you can train your hearing and have the chance to reactivate the links between your hearing cells. Set the foundation for more quality of life with Audiofitness!

You are using one of our hearing fitness products and have questions about the product or need help regarding the products and their applications? 

Then create a support ticket  here and we will contact you shortly.

Otherwise you can reach us here  

Would you like to extend your license for the AUDEAL module? Or would you like to use the premium version of the hörFit module?

It's easy to do through our hearing fitness partners. 

Here you can find our national and international Audiofitness partners: 

Do you have more questions?

The Audio Fitness Forum is designed for the users and anyone interested in Audiofitness.
Here you have the opportunity to discuss the Audiofitness-related topics, get to know other users or interested parties and get in touch with them.

In addition, you will find all questions and feedbacks regarding Audiofitness APP Here.