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A separate store is available for customers from Switzerland

  • Audio Analysis
  • audioFitness
  • Tinnitus
  • Audiofitness marketing
  • Binocular fusion
  • Listening and reading materials / Books
  • Sensory motoric
  • Vision
  • training courses
[ 8202 ] TINNICUR-600, training device on ear noise
Tinnitus treatment with system
- Individual training for each client
- Training from the comfort of your own home
-Help for self-help without side effects
- Learning to cope with ringing in the ears step by step
1,091.35 € 1091.35 EUR
[ S113-DE-SET ] Hearing training diaries (50 pcs.)
50 diaries on hörFit hearing training for the trainee. 8-page high-quality colour print with explanations of the listening training, tables for training documentation, overview for recording personal experiences and impressions as well as explanations of the key functions for listening comprehension.
38.79 € 38.79 EUR
[ 8333 ] Replacement ear pads for MT-HS-16-II
Price for a pair of replacement ear pads. Please note that for orders below €10, a small quantity surcharge of €10 will be applied. From an order quantity of 10 pairs of ear pads, you will receive them at a set price (per pair) of € 1.90.
3.17 € 3.17 EUR
[ 8303 ] Replacement ear pads for MT-HS-16-III
Price for a pair of replacement ear pads for headphones MT-HS-16-III. Please note that for orders below €10, a small quantity surcharge of €10 will be applied. From an order quantity of 10 pairs of ear pads you will receive them at a set price (per pair) of € 1.90.
3.17 € 3.17 EUR
[ 9090 ] hörFit-Case for AT-3000
Practical case for safe storage of the audio trainer AT - 3000
38.23 € 38.230000000000004 EUR
[ L1153 ] Wenn die Ohren müde werden: Selbstsicher und aktiv leben mit Hörschwäche - Gerhard M. Wissler (German)
Convert hearing loss into positive life energy

Hearing loss makes you insecure. This book encourages those affected to see the alleged weakness as an opportunity for personal change, to implement it successfully and not to lose their sense of humor. It also shows how intuition can be sharpened when the hearing ability deteriorates, how all other senses can be perceived all the more consciously and how it can literally be lived more meaningfully.

Gerhard M. Wissler knows hearing loss from his own experience. His insightful and practical advice and coping strategies can be implemented immediately and are a benefit for everyone who wants to discover himself and his hearing in a new way. With many examples and tips for typical everyday situations, small self-tests, helpful information about the use of hearing aids as well as expert opinions from the fields of medicine and hearing aid acoustics.
19.38 € 19.38 EUR
16.39 € 16.39 EUR
[ 7946 ] Induction coil cable for hearing aid connection
Induction coil cable in stereo, high-quality solution with jack plug. For use with the AT-3000 as well as with Brain-Boy and Lateral-Training
150.76 € 150.76 EUR
[ S254+S255 ] Hörfitness Endkundenbroschüre und Hörfitness-Lizenzbogen (Set)
Informationsbroschüre zum Hörfitness-Hörtraining für Endkunden / Anwender.
Zusätzlich enthalten in diesem Set: Hörfitness-Lizenzbögen (ebenfalls zur Abgabe durch den Hörfitness-Partner an den Endkunden)
Bitte beachten Sie unsere Mengenstaffel ab 50 Exemplaren
1.55 € 1.55 EUR
[ S252+S253+S272 ] VerstehTherapie (Aufgaben- und Lösungsheft)
Set aus Aufgaben- und Lösungsheft zur Hörfitness VerstehTherapie (App-basiert)
Die beiden Hefte sind im A4-Format als Druckerzeugnisse erhältlich (im Set)
Nur für Hörfitness-Partner - Bitte beachten Sie unsere Mengenstaffel ab 50 Exemplaren
1.94 € 1.94 EUR
[ S262 ] Window sticker: training for brain and hearing
This sticker has a size of 100 cm x 30 cm and has the shape of a pennant.

As a backglass sticker, you can attach it to your shop window or entrance door from the inside. He is deliberately removable, so they can "let him move".
Also, you do NOT have to register it as a "structural measure" or "structural change" at the Ordnungsamt or other official institutions or your landlord and have it approved, as is the case with "on-glass stickers" in some cities and towns.
32.50 € 32.5 EUR
[ 2347-SET-DE ] BASS 1.0 Screening single license, with 3x AT-3000 and training
This starter set for the hörFit hearing training procedure includes the BASS screening software on tablet incl. VicFirth headphones, 3 AT-3000 audio trainers for your clients and an introductory training session of 1 hour (usually online). For on-site training, travel costs and a higher minimum number of hours are added.
2,653.52 € 2653.52 EUR
[ 2066 ] hörFit-Poster - DIN A0, "Intelligentes Hörtraining für Sie" (German)
German hear-Fit poster "Intelligent hearing training for you" in size A1 (84,1 x 118,9 cm)
6.50 € 6.5 EUR
[ 2067 ] hörFit Poster - Intelligent Hearing Training, A1 (blue, German)
German hear-Fit poster "Your intelligent hearing training" with blue background in size A1 (59,4 x 84,1 cm)
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
[ 2310 ] Augenblicke für das Ohr (Wagner/Spillmann), (German)
In "Augenblicke für das Ohr - der Mensch und sein Gehör" (Moments for the Ear - Man and His Hearing), the authors use numerous examples to show the figurative idioms that the German language has developed over the course of time around hearing: We are "up to both ears in love" or "up to both ears in debt", we hear "the fleas cough" or "the grass grows".Detailed explanations of medical developments, the latest assistive devices and surgical techniques, the different positions regarding optimal language education - pro and contra sign language -, as well as well-founded position statements from the fields of psychological counseling, education and training make "Moments for the Ear - Man and His Hearing" an important work for professionals and interested lay people.
51.75 € 51.75 EUR