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A separate store is available for customers from Switzerland

  • Audio-Trainer
  • Audiofitness-APP
[ Hoerfitness-START ] Hörfitness Starterpack
Get to know Hearing Fitness with this starter package and let us convince you of its possibilities:
The package includes
- 3-month license of the BASS 2.0 software (including external control unit for the PC and MT-70 headphones)
- 3-month licenses of the Hörfitness APP (10 units) (without devices) for allocation by you via the SmartLicenser (software)
- AudioTrainer AT-3000 (1 unit) (hand-held training device for customers without a smartphone or tablet)
- 2-hour online training course on the use of Hearing Fitness in your specialist shop
- Access to the partner hearing fitness area

as well as extensive information and marketing material for your customers.
1,417.24 € 1417.24 EUR
[ S113-DE ] Audio Training Diary (german)
Diary of the hörFit hearing training for the trainee. 8-page high-quality color print with explanations of the hearing training, tables for training documentation, overview to record personal experiences and impressions as well as explanations of the key functions for hearing comprehension.
2.34 € 2.34 EUR
[ 9088-Set ] Audio-Trainer AT-3000 Multilingual, DE, PL, GB, FR
Audio fitness trainer that allows to train up to eight key brain functions such as auditory processing speed, spatial hearing, pitch discrimination and more. Additionally, background noise (white noise or murmuring) can be added for even more intense training.
The AT-3000 comes in a cloth jewel case and includes the English manual and a pair of headphones MT-HS-16.
251.26 € 251.26000000000002 EUR
[ S113-DE-SET ] Hearing training diaries (50 pcs.)
50 diaries on hörFit hearing training for the trainee. 8-page high-quality colour print with explanations of the listening training, tables for training documentation, overview for recording personal experiences and impressions as well as explanations of the key functions for listening comprehension.
29.84 € 29.84 EUR
[ 9090 ] hörFit-Case for AT-3000
Practical case for safe storage of the audio trainer AT - 3000
29.41 € 29.41 EUR
12.61 € 12.61 EUR
[ 11003 ] AT-3000 maintenance agreement "All-round carefree"
Maintenance and service contract. The comprehensive support includes an annual total check of your system (after sending it to MediTECH) including all accessories (without rental equipment). The maintenance agreement is valid for 12 months and will be extended for another 12 months if not cancelled until six weeks before expiration.
127.56 € 127.56 EUR
[ S007 ] Audio-Trainer AT-3000 Customer Flyer (German)
Brief information about the Audio - Trainer 3000 (end customer information) - will be gladly provided free of charge in small quantities. For larger quantity requirements, please contact us.
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
[ S108 ] hörFit Intelligent Hearing Training Flyer (German)
German information flyer regarding intelligent hearing training - up to 10 copies free of charge.
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
[ K-eL-HF-A ] Audiofitness Refresher (online)
You have already attended our hearing fitness basic training and want to refresh your knowledge again.

Then this is the right online course for you.
125.00 € 125.0 EUR