AUDECOM smart hearing system comparison [info channel]

AUDECOM smart hearing system comparison [info channel]

AUDECOM - The intelligent hearing comparison: Equipped with an elegantly mounted 5-loudspeaker surround system, AUDECOM allows you to make a direct LIVE comparison between three pairs of hearing aids with high-quality and meaningful audio examples. Your client can switch independently between the hearing impressions of the three hearing systems transmitted to the headphones worn by him in fractions of a second and thus personally convince himself of the benefits of higher quality hearing systems. The system is currently available in the following languages: German, English, French, Dutch

Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 51 minutes
Mitglieder 10
S175-EN-Audecom product flyer [EN]

S175-EN-Audecom product flyer [EN]

AUDECOM flyers and brochures
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S175-EN-Audecom product flyer [EN]
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Information about the hearing aid comparison and presentation system AUDECOM