the best feature in winEEG & getting started

A brief tutorial of my favorite EEG software! How do I set filters? What about ICA artifact rejection? Where is the montage button? Watch to find out. . . 00:00 - intro and loading data 01:42 - changing the montage 03:00 - setting filters and gain, scrolling through 04:19 - fragment names 05:59 - selecting data 06:12 - my favorite feature of winEEG 08:00 - what ICA does 10:47 - manual epoch rejection 11:05 - automated artifact rejection 11:55 - choosing the wrong thresholds again 12:40 - generating spectra 14:30 - head topographies for frequencies 15:52 - coherence #EEG #neuroscience #brain #BCI #electrophysiology #data #machinelearning #ica #QEEG #neurofeedback

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